This was Marina's first attempt at cake decorating. She was a big help last week, baking 36 cupcakes, frosting most of them, and since she was on a roll, I decided to let her decorate the doll cake.
Now, I want you to imagine the whipped cream nice and smooth over the dress, the doll more upright, and the yellow buttercream frosting in nice neat lines with flower decorations in between. Because that was how it looked before the heat of the stove started causing the whipped cream to melt and slide. Tell her it looked good anyway, because she doesn't believe me. Note to self: remind daughter not to frost cakes near a warm stove.
This is still 100% better than some of my earliest baking attempts. I remember taking a perfect cake out of the oven and as I turned it over a cooling rack it slipped and turned to crumbs. Then there was the time I decided not to sift the powdered sugar for the frosting. That cake had an interesting crunchy texture.
Let's face it. If the cake had been any prettier, we would have felt guilty digging into it! And that would have been a waste. I once made a batch of dinosaur shaped chocolates especially for my son. Did he eat them? No, he liked them so much he didn't want to make them extinct!
She did better than I would have.
*Applause* for Marina!!
It will be easier next time, too! The second time is always easier when it comes to crafty stuff - even baking!
Frankly, though, I'm surprised Barbie didn't gripe about Yellow. I figured her for a pink girl.
That's a great cake! I am tagging you, come on over if you want to play.
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