My youngest is 5 today!
Sierra was born at home 5 years ago today. She was our surprise. We thought we were set with our girl and boy, but as we all know, we plan and God laughs. I do have to say that if you are going to have a baby, it makes sense to have the 9 year old daughter first, because Marina was the greatest helper I could ever ask for!
There was such a bustle of activity that day. Sierra had already kept us waiting for 5 days. She was supposed to be born in April. Buelo was hoping to have her as a present for his birthday on April 29th. But she was not to be rushed!
I started labor early in the day. The midwife came some time in the afternoon. My parents and yoga instructor, Diann, also came. It may seem strange to invite a yoga instructor, but Diann and I had become friends since I had started taking her classes, and I knew if anyone could keep me calm and relaxed it was her. My mother kept an eye on Chase, who was in and out of my room as I reached the final stage of labor. At one point he gave me a note that said I love you Mommy in his phonetic spelling. Marina was incredibly attentive to me and helped the midwife and her assistant whenever possible. When asked what she thought of the whole process she said, "I think it's very exciting!"
My hubby of course, was my greatest help. Our midwife later told me that she never saw a better birthing couple. He was my strength right down to the wire, when I was having trouble pushing because I kept remembering how painful pushing is. I whispered, "I can't do it." He calmly assured me, "Yes you can," showing none of his own anxiety. He helped me move onto our bed where I had the mother of all contractions and everyone rushed in as Sierra made her appearance in the world. My water broke as her head popped out and the midwife didn't even have time to get on a fresh pair of gloves as Sierra had finally made up her mind to be born! Since she was born, we've always said that Sierra is a woman who knows her mind!
1 comment:
Happy Birthday Sierra!!
Gosh, Mini-E is getting Big - but it won't be long before she's 5. Time so flies when you're having fun and kids and homeschooling. *L*
She's beautiful and I think all 5 year olds know their minds. Expressively, too. *L* That's the age that, if you don't want to know the answer - don't ask a 5 year old.
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