I want to thank everyone who commented on the last strip. *sniff* I'm not alone! You understand! I intend to check in on all of you at the end of the week, once I finish with these quarterly reports for the school district, deal with some sick children and take Marina to the orthodontist. (Did someone slow down time? I can't believe the week isn't over yet.)
I learned to do this sort of "borrowing" from one subject to fit into another. It's good at helping us feel that learning has taken place.
Sounds like you have a very busy week. I hope those quarterly reports are finished without too much hassle.
Thanks for showing us those Halloween costume photos. It was great to see that Marie Antoinette costume & all the others. Apart from being cheaper to produce, you had the satisfaction of creating.
Hope you have a rest next week,
I love the 'well, I started drawing a dragon, but some knights attacked it...' Too funny!
Oh, goodness.
You just drew G-man. He drew his grandmother a birthday card. It was a birthday tree made from his hands. He said he was going to put presents under the tree.
Pretty soon there was a badger. A butterfly, robbers and a bad guy in jail in the tree- trying to dig his way out from around a giant rock (in the tree?) and that there were rocks that would fall on the bad guy and ..... a hippo wearing pajamas ... and a singing group - with a camera crew -- and another hippo -- and I don't understand the drawings but I know there are more robbers and police in the picture... *LOL* I know if he'd drawn a dragon some knights (or ninja) would have come out of the tree tree to fight it. Or blow it up with a rocket.
too funny...
Thanks for stopping by my blog. I've missed you! It has been fun to look over all of your latest entries. I especially liked the Halloween costumes. I wish I had thought to be Ophelia, I really could've pulled that one off well!
I LOVE this comic strip!! You captured an almost daily event in my house. :)
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