Because I happen to find their blogs just as excellent, I am throwing this award right back to them. Catch!
The Rules:
By accepting this award I must now share with you 10 blogs that I also deem 'excellent'. If you are one of my 10 you then choose 10 blogs that you feel have an excellent quality about them. You can give it to as many people as you want-even those that have received it already, but please award at least 10 people.
Purpleflowerpatch - Her unique perspective on life always inspires me.
Divinagrace - Even this old homeschooler has been introduced to some picture books I missed the first two times, and her photos are beautiful.
Spinneretta - We inspire each other in our artwork!
Bonni - Who poked and prodded me into submitting work to my first magazine.
Vicki - She helped Bonni with the poking, and she is forever sending links to aid our homeschooling.
InnerElder - Because she's my mommy! I also think she's an excellent poet and has wonderful insight on life.
Callmekate - Who always seems to know what I'm talking about!
Appleleaf - Who is a true mentor with her helpful posts on writing.
PrincipledDiscovery - Because homeschoolers need to stay informed about the issues that affect our rights.
ComfyDenim and
MuddyBathwater- Because God laughs. And that's what it's all about.
I know some of you have gotten the award already and I know I have missed some as well. Please know that if it weren't midnight and I still have to finish my comics, every blog I visit would be listed here!
Thank you all for taking the time to share my little corner of the blogosphere. Peace and Laughter!
I definitely agree with you about AppleLeaf & CallMeKate. I'm a bit awestruck to be added to the group. :-)
Thank you.
Now I feel the pressure to create more inspiring posts!! And make an acceptance post... Did I tell you I was promoted? The PRESSURE...Lol
I think I'll pass on making up an internet curriculum, rofl, not because of any philosophy, just lack of time and the silliness of it as all those links are just so I can find them again! Lol, simply self-serving!!
You truly deserve the Excellence Award. Your blog is inspiring!
Congratulations! You deserve that award! Your blog is one of my favorites. :)
I got a big grin on my face when saw my blog on your list. Really? What a nice thing to do. Thanks! I'm gonna have fun with this one.
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