Tuesday, August 5, 2008

My Magazine Comics #1

I just found out that issue #3 of Secular Homeschooling is in print. There is a funny overachieving homeschooler's quiz at the website.

Now that issue #3 is out, I can share the comics from issue #2. This is fortunate since I'm still slacking off this week and I'm sure people are missing their comics. I'll post them through the rest of the week. Issue #2 of the magazine is still available at the Secular Homeschooling Magazine website, if you would like the comics in print, along with the article I wrote.

The theme for this set is making time for mom.

SHM comic #1


Jessica said...

Great comic. That is me too. I try to play with my kids on the playgrounds and be an active parent, but other times, this is also me time. They get to be kids and I finally get to talk with adults. I am definitely slacking recently. The weather is nice, people are freaking out and sending their kids to school and I am over relaxing as I prepare for the school year. I guess it is because so far, no one is behind so I CAN relax. lol

Anonymous said...

I loved taking Geo to the PE class. I hated it when he didn't want to learn football, lol, as that meant the end of my 'mom group'. Shucks.


P.S. I count carrying laundry back and forth as exercise. Groceries, too!

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