One of my favorite pastimes is birdwatching. I've tried to include the kids from time to time, depending on how busy they are with extracurricular activities. One of my favorite bird websites is eBird, which I still use to keep track of our backyard sightings. We have also made bar graphs of the number per species. I'm pretty sure all of my kids can identify most of the birds that visit our feeders, as well as a few species of birds of prey. And we get lots of squirrels. I don't mind. They keep us entertained.
We enjoy bird watching, too, though it was difficult to get use to the birds out West after spending years in the East. Actually, we quite enjoy watching all the nature out here.
Thanks for sharing the Italy trip. The pictures were lovely: Marina did a wonderful job capturing the beauty of the area.
Hahaha! Ain't that the truth? =D
We enjoy our three feeders so much! It amazes me that my little guy knows the species that visit most often and identifies them when he sees them elsewhere in the yard. Lately we've had a problem raccoon getting into the feeders at night and eating all the seed. One of these days I'll remember to have my camera ready before we open the door. It's hysterical to see it up in the feeder, yet I get so angry with it as well. The boys have named it Eddie (from the raccoon in the Hank The Cowdog series).
Thanks for the reminder to fill my feeders. :-)
I love the idea of keeping track of all the birds that we see. We currently have a purple finch nest in our carport. (I am going to post pictures this afternoon).
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