I'll bet everyone thought I forgot to name the kitten! Her official name is now Nutmeg.
One of the reasons we gave up having the bird feeder outside of the kitchen window was that our fuzzy bird watchers kept bending the cafe curtain rod. They don't build those rods to support ten pound cats. Go figure.
I will be taking a break next week. I need to start getting the children ready for annual testing and we have a number of activities next week, including my storytelling workshop. I thought it might be nice if I prepare for it! I will try to post some repeats. Hopefully something you haven't seen in a while.
We had a torti point Siamese cat named Nutmeg. She was my best friend for seventeen years. I hope your kitten brings you as much enjoyment as our Nutmeg brought us. We are richer for having known her!
A ten pound cat is nothing. Aloft sunk in the center of the top of my bookcase today!
Don't forget to breathe next week. :)
For a second there I thought "Did I miss a strip where they named the kitten?" Glad I kept reading!
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