Sunday, July 26, 2009

An Enchanted Walk

Whenever Marina is on the final page of a sketchbook, she likes to do something special. It usually takes her a few days to pencil, ink and color her work. This recent final page reminded me very much of my own work, so I thought I would share it. The detail needs to be appreciated full size, so click on the image for the larger picture.

What amazes me the most is that she does this naturally. Her art school has been observing life and experiencing works of art in books and museums. I am only a guide, helping her to notice and sometimes explaining how to use different media.

And, of course, I supply her with lots of paper!


Stephanie said...

Gorgeous! I'd love to have a print like that to hang on the wall. It's kind of mesmerizing. :)

Mama Teaching 3 said...

I love it! She is so awesome!

Anonymous said...

Was that the trail of a dashing mosquitoe? Imagine what it would be like if you used 20/20 vision, Marina? I love all the details and the art in it all. I love you, precious.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful Marina! There is so much detail which you can only see in the larger picture.
Love, Aunt Linda

Inner Elder said...

Wow! The talent is passed on to live forever. I love your drawing Marina. Love, Grandma

Baby Murloc said...

The details are so cool! Marina has your talent!

Ruby in Montreal said...

Lovely job! You must be proud of her talent. I'm going to have to mention to my DD about doing something special on the last page of a pad. I think she'd like that idea!


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