It has been quite a week. I spent last week organizing the Carnival of Homeschooling, so bookshelf production had stopped as I read through submissions and took advantage of good weather to take pictures for my theme. I want to thank everyone who visited the carnival, especially those who submitted articles and everyone who took the time to leave nice comments.
I've said before that my creative energies lie in the production. Once I posted the carnival, I was ready to throw myself back into my bookshelf project. Frankly, I had no choice. The idea was in my head and it begged to be made real. Which makes me think of Pinnocchio. My idea wanted to be a real bookshelf!
In my creative fever, I did not even notice the heat wave that set the temperature in the 90's with high humidity. I swam in sweat as I cut the pieces, assembled, varnished and added finishing touches. Now I can feel the pain in my knees from standing awkwardly for hours, and my neck is raw with prickly heat, but during the building I noticed nothing. I even told one friend that it seemed pretty cool here!
And so, without further ado, I present my bookshelf/windowseat wall unit:
You can see I haven't finished putting books on it! I will be getting rid of the old TV table as well. I wanted to have more floor space for Sierra. I have enough scraps of wood left to make an extra table. I might eventually put some doors on the bottom of the left bookcase. We shall see. I'm feeling the heat now...
Can you tell she loves this?
Great Work! More room and a bed for Sierra - will she be sleeping there now? A nice bath may help your aches, etc.
Love, Linda
Oh my, that's absolutely amazing. What talent you have!!!
That's beautiful!
that is awesome. My daughter now wants a similar arrangement :)
Wonderful bookcases! I love the way you've created so much extra space.
Way to go! Bookshelves are wonderful...but window seats are magical. No wonder she love it. Gret job.
excellent! even the cat likes it :)
We love your work. Rest well earned! Can you make one and ship it to California? How much? Love Lisa and Gramma
And how thoughtful of you to design a spot for the cat! I love how he is watching her in the pictures. I often wonder what our pets think of us and imagine the cats would be the most cynical in their review.
It is great!
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