Interesting side note for this one: When the sentence starts "Wasn't it funny in that movie when..." the movie is usually one we haven't seen in months, possibly even years. My family (myself included) has an amazing ability to take one word and have neurons firing randomly all over our brains. Subjects typically get caught in the crossfire.
George has recently taken to turning this type of redirection into an art form. >.<
MY BOYS do this all the time!
I have a son who used to be just like this!
Bleu: They grow out of it? :o)
I think I would have loved to have had Marina as a friend when I was in school. But then, I was stuck in public schools, but for high school I went to a Magnet school, and that was a lot of fun.
Recently I read someone's comeback to the socialization question as, "school is for education, not socialization." I thought that was real witty, and hopefully I'll remember to use it if I ever get asked. Your's is very witty too. Thinking about it, I think I could get away with saying that. I'm a dual citizen, U.S./British, so I have social healthcare. ;)
Hahaha!!!! That happens here ALL the time! =D
Thank you for your comments on my blog.
I'm curious as to why you don't have to write quarterly reports for Marina - is she not in high school? Do they not require reports for high school students?
And why is it scary? Because you don't have someone looking over your shoulder saying "Yep, that's good"? =)
If I had a nickel for every time this happens at my house............ LOL
My kids are in a Marx Brothers movie mode at present. It's amazing how they can memorize complete scenes and tell them over and over. Too bad they can't memorize scripture like that. Perhaps if Groucho recited from the Bible ...
Hey, you made me laugh out loud with your comment on my trailer post - I completely forgot about the rock collection! I so appreciate you!
Good to know we're not the only ones...
You mean it's not just my kids??
WV: Sulat -- I sulat you for all you do.
ROFLOL! The movies come up at the oddest times!!! I just look at them and say "Did you hear any thing I just said?" And think this is really a BOY thing! I don't remember my older girls doing this but the boys do it constantly.
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