The first award comes from Subadra at Library of Books, Links & More. She gave me the Beautiful Blogger Award. Thank you Subadra! I hope you know I love your blog too and have already bought at least five books because of your interesting suggestions!
The rules for the Beautiful Blogger Award:
1. Add a link and note of thanks to the person giving the award. (See Above)
2. Pass the award on to the bloggers whose blogs you love. (15 tops)
3. Share 7 things about yourself. (These last two I will combine with the second award)

The rules for The Versatile Blogger Award:
1. Tell seven things about yourself
2. Now pass the torch onto other wonderful versatile bloggers. Grab the award and tell us seven things about yourself. (See what I mean? Similar rules. Two interesting awards to add to your blog!)
First, I will name the blogs I'm passing this to. Since I'm not very good at deciding, I offer you your choice of awards. Or enjoy both! Any blog I read regularly is likely deserving of both. I will start out with my award givers:
Library of Books, Links & More: I think this blog should take the Versatile Blogger award since anyone who can put together the amount of links this site holds--and all while preparing for a year long sabbatical in India--must be incredibly versatile!
Once Upon a Family: I have learned so much about the care and keeping of goats from this blog, 4H happenings, and Once Upon a Family also has lots of recipes and neat crafts to do! Her insights into all she does makes her truly deserving of the Beautiful Blogger Award!
Inner Elder: This is my mother's blog. She writes about growing up in New York so that her grandchildren will have a family history to look upon and also shares her poetry and personal experiences and insights. Mom, I know you probably won't figure out how to put this on your blog, but know that I am proud to have you as my mom!
Pictureka: When my youngest child insisted she wanted a blog, I thought it would be as kept up as my son's. But Sierra has surprised me with her persistence, her photographs, and her spelling! Keep up the good work, sweetie!
~Shady Bayou Academy~: There is always something interesting happening at the house of Mama Teaching 2, soon to be Mama Teaching 3! Their experiments are illustrated with wonderful photos that capture the excitement of her young scientists as they make their discoveries!
Is There a Bathroom on this Ship?: I am so impressed with flmom's latest blog. It is full of giveaways and her adventures in adopting a more healthy lifestyle and vegetarian diet.
Boarding in Bedlam: One of the two homeschooling dads in my Reader, his blog is full of his life adventures, some of which have reduced my giggly oldest child to a puddle of mirth.
Home School Dad: The other homeschooling dad I read regularly. His posts range from the introspective, to reviews, to the funny. (You will notice the pattern that I tend to be drawn to blogs with a good sense of humor!)
Jenny of Elefantz: One of my oldest blogger friends, she has an incredible blog full of her quilting creativity as well as quilting tutorials and challenges for her readers.
So there you have it. If I've missed anyone, know that it is unintentional and simply the result of me being so busy I was trying to fit this in between cartooning and car taxi-ing.
*Update* See? I knew I would forget someone:
Laughing Stars: I know a lot of fast readers, but Stephanie not only reads fast, she reviews fast! This is another blog that is hugely responsible for my ever growing "To Be Read" pile. She also posts about her homeschooling life and gives excerpts of her daughter's film critiques, which are thoughtful and interesting.
Malia Li'i Kula: Whose latest entry features a cool egg drop experiment.
And last but probably not really last,
Kez's Blog: Who shares many neat homeschooling adventures and links. Her Week of Learning entries always give me ideas for my own children.
So, seven things about me:
1. My perfect weather is when I can comfortably wear a jacket. I have a favorite duster-length purple jeans jacket for my perfect weather.
2. I would rather cook dinner at home than eat in a restaurant. I like to know what's in my food. I'm a control freak that way.
3. I would rather email than talk on the phone. I can count on one hand the people I can easily converse with on the phone. Writing is definitely my medium.
4. I'm less afraid of getting lost in a big city than I am of running into an acquaintance. This is because I usually can't remember the acquaintance's name when they are out of the place I know them.
5. I tend to be passionate in my ideas, but I lose the power of speech when I try to voice my opinions. It's very hard to engage in a discussion when others jump in while you are trying to organize your thoughts into a coherent sentence.
6. I try to gain insight from everything I read or watch. That includes picture books, newspapers and Saturday morning cartoons. You would be amazed how much learning I can draw out of an episode of Ben 10 or Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends.
7. I think I have the most amazing family and friends. They keep me thinking and questioning and make life incredibly interesting for me. And they provide some much needed laughter when I need it most.
So enough about me. Let's talk about you. What do you think of me?
Congrats on the well deserved awards. I am with you on #3 & #5!
Thank you Stephanie!
We rarely talk on the phone either. Ours can go days without ringing and when it does I have noticed we all stop and look at it for a moment before someone answers it. Thanks for awarding us the other award!
Very well deserved awards for your blog! I'm honored you would include me in your list.
I'm with you on #'s 3 and 5. I lived on the phone as a teen. Now I dread the thought of having to talk on the phone EVER.
Good, it's not just me - I have grown to dislike the phone as well!
Boy, you sure are brave. That last line: "What do you think of me?" Do you REALLY want to know??
Just kidding dear, honest! I think you are terrific and I suffer when I miss out on reading your blog since it can be a week or more sometimes before I get to sit down and read my blog friends. You have, what I would call, an intelligent blog. Appropriately funny, sometimes sensitive and thought-provoking. Writing is definitely your gift, in my opinion. I'm so glad you received the rewards - you've earned them!
Enjoy your week - stay cool!
- Kate
I think you certainly deserve the awards. I love your blog, your insights and your comix. You inspire me! thank you for honoring my blog with the award; you are right - I don't know what to do with it. but I will check out some other winners. I think I am like you (or vice versa) in most of the 7 things. But I have learned to speak my opinion in public when I realized others know less than I do about a certain subject. I too hate the phone, altho once I get on, it's hard to get off. You know how much I love you and how proud I am of the woman you've become. Keep it up! Love, Mom
Hi Cristina,
Congrats on two awards! And thank you for awarding me Versatile blogger award. My apologies for acknowledging it late. I will work on the post soon and blog it too!
Thanks again for your kind words. I am actually using this excuse to check out new cool blogs and spend time on my computer, away from my packing!...Not sure if it is good or bad..yikes..
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