So, yes, this is on my mind these past two weeks. And yes, I bought supplies, but I only bought things I absolutely needed, like pencils and extra scissors. It was either that or a strong padlock for my desk drawer to keep my supplies from walking. I suppose you could say I bought school supplies for myself!
For the record, I still think it is wasteful to ask students to buy brand new supplies every year. If children still have unused or barely used crayons, notebooks, folders, etc. from their previous school year, they should have the option to use them. Just saying. This is how most (if not all) homeschooling families I know operate. We use up consumables like paper and pens, we recycle books, and what we don't need anymore we offer to others.
I used to love to start over with all "new" supplies when I was in school. I think my idea was to make this term the "perfect" term. Of course, that lasted about a week! Now I get upset when I buy pens or erasers or whatever and discover an unopened box a few weeks later. Love, Mom
I stocked up on loose-leaf paper a couple years ago, at 5 cents a pack. I just opened the last of my stash. Notebooks are the same way. I get them when they have the "super sales" and stock up with a couple years' worth. I have a boxes of colored pencils, and crayons that I have had for 5 years. I agree completely - kids are being taught to be wasteful. It's ridiculous.
Kev says I am dangerous in bookstores and office supply outfits. I love school supplies, too, but I'm not sure if that's a homeschool thing or an artist thing. I've always indulged in the September sales, even pre-Mikro...
Have you guys been to the Nature Center lately? It looks a little deserted and a bunch of feeders are gone. I'm a little concerned about it. I'm heading over there later today to hopefully catch someone in. We've been there twice this week around 3, and it was closed...
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