Friday, October 15, 2010

Home Spun comic strip #540

Home Spun comic strip #540

You explain to your child how to do a certain problem. Inside of his head, your voice either triggers neurons that fire and shoot the information into the correct brain center to store the information or they misfire and start him thinking about how great it would be if we could all have pet dinosaurs. Which way will the information go? Before you ask him, both outcomes are possible. Therefore he understands and doesn't understand at the same time, creating a paradox.

That's the best I can do. Here is a fun, almost interactive explanation of Schrodinger's cat.


Kez said...


Lady Chadwick said...


Inner Elder said...

I still don't get it. But then again, I am a paradox. Love, Mom

Unknown said...

It took some work, but I get it!

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