No one understands a homeschooler like another homeschooler. Even if your methods of educating your children are completely different (and let's face it, there are as many ways to home educate as there are homeschooled children) we all can sit down together and empathize with those unique challenges we face. Are my kids learning enough? Will strangers ever stop mentioning socialization? Am I screwing them up? We voice our trials and anxieties among them because we know they will empathize.
And they will never say, "If it's so hard, why don't you just put them in school?"
Yes, it is hard. I worry if I'm screwing them up, slacking off too much, nervous about high school and excited about it. But I wouldn't want to quit. Spending time learning together with our children is a God given gift. Enjoy.
Yes, support groups are a great blessing from La Leche to Weight Watchers. I am so glad there is one for homeschoolers. Love ya, Mom
You are such a sweetie! I really appreciate you! Hope your Thanksgiving Day was very nice. You know, they let public school out for the entire week here. Someone said they did that in parts of CA as well. Since when is it Thanksgiving Week? Who knows. Enjoy your Blackless Friday!!
- Kate
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