My goodness! I'm so sorry I'm late with this today. Whenever my routine breaks I tend to forget to do things.
By the way, this is not a plea to my parents to take our kids today. They have, in the past, helped me out a lot. Whether they are enhancing our homeschooling by taking the kids on a field trip, or simply by giving me a much needed break, my parents have always been there for me when I need them. I know that isn't the case for others, either because of distance or philosophical differences, so I want my family to know I appreciate everything they do for me. Aside from my parents, we have relatives who have helped us with money for classes or educational purchases, who have given the kids subscriptions to magazines like National Geographic Kids or Lego Brickmaster, and family and librarian friends who have been an endless supplier to our book addictions. Thank you to all of you!
You are such a sweetie! It is a joy to take my grandkids to museums, Zoos, Gardens, trips, whatever. I learn as much as they do and enjoy my special relationship with them. One of the greatest blessings in life for me has been my family. It just keeps getting better, with grandparenting. Thank you for including me in your beautiful family. Love always, Mom
I view this opportunities as a grandparent's priviledge for which I thank you and Reed. I've loved all the moments I spent with my gandchildren. They are a blessed inspiration, each in their own trademark way.
May your Thaksgiving continue for every moment of your life.
Love, Dad
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