Friday, March 4, 2011

Home Spun comic strip #591

Home Spun comic strip #591


Retro said...

Well, I don't think this will ever happen to me! But it did make me laugh!

Inner Elder said...

Hurray! Love, Mom

Jessica said...

I so know where you are coming from! In my early elementary years in public school I was told I was stupid at math. I was lead to believe I wasn't good at it. When I was homeschooled I still hated math. HATED it and thought I was horrible at it. I haven't yet come to the parts of math that I hated so much, but I am coming to realize how much I actually enjoy it. I NEVER thought that would be possible. And I am spending my time trying to show my kids that it isn't hard and it can be fun. We find math games- like sudoku, blocks, logic puzzles, etc. and it can be very creative. I never knew what I was missing. If I can say I like it and I never did, then it must not be that bad.

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