Friday, August 12, 2011

Home Spun reprint: Making Time for Mom #3-4

SHM comic #3

SHM comic #4


call*me*kate said...

The top comic really made me giggle (love the cat!) Strangely enough, I finally began doing a simple yoga (for over 45'ers!) 10-step program, today being my second day. Since Todd leaves so early now, I have some quiet time in the a.m. However, just as I was in position #2, the phone rang ... "I forgot my stethoscope and my cell phone." Wife comes to the rescue (without make-up, too!) What's a heart nurse without his stethoscope? I began again when I got home, at least. Hey, thanks for your nice comments. I showed Carmen all the artwork photos you posted. I love how creative your kids are. How fun to work with so many mediums. Carmen seemed interested in using charcoal. Thanks for the inspiration!

Have a terrific weekend! = Kate

Paula Vince said...

So true! I love it how we get so happy about finding good books and curriculum during our times to ourselves. We homeschooling mothers must be priceless.

Inner Elder said...

It's nice to be needed. And it's very wise to take care of yourself. These gems were worth repeating. Love, MOm

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