Monday, August 29, 2016

Hang Out with the 20 Year Olds

Saw this on Facebook. I copied the link from Pinterest because it got me thinking...

I like hanging out with 20 year olds. Two of my favorite people are 20 somethings. I wonder why we insist on continuing to stick with others of our age when there is a world of fascinating people of all ages. I enjoy spending time with people older than me and younger than me. Sometimes I even enjoy being with someone my own age.  I enjoy hearing about what interests other people. I never want to end up trapped in time, trying to relive my youth and complaining about how different everything is. You never know what you can learn until you stop and listen to what excites another person. Here's a secret: continuing to learn is what keeps us feeling young.


Paula Vince said...

I love hanging out with people in their 20s too. It makes the 90s feel like a reasonably short time ago, when we were about their age :)

jugglingpaynes said...

Me too! Maybe we have better memories than most about what it is like to be a twenty-something.

Inner Elder said...

I agree. It is enlightening to spend time with all age groups. Believe it or not, there are still some people 15 years older than I am that I spend time with! I find each age group has different ideas and perspectives to share. How lucky we are to have so many generations to enjoy. Love, Mom

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