Thursday, June 21, 2007

Who does she take after?

I want to assure everyone that I'm OK. Sierra scared me pretty good yesterday, but as soon as I found her, I was fine. I had to work the adrenaline out of my system, but I was fine. I strive to live in the present, and presently life is good!

I know you are all wondering where this is coming from. Who does this child take after, that she draws all over herself and the walls and hides when everyone is looking for her?

Who, indeed?

I admit, I did hide from my family in a car. And I was formerly a facepaint artist. But draw on walls? Hmmm....
Merlin at Door
Do murals and chalkboards count?
Door Murals
It's a mystery. I just don't know who she takes after.

1 comment:

Amelia Antwiler said...

Oh, the mysteries of life. *L*

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