My friend CarpeBanana thinks I am a

It is now my honor to pass this on to 5 women whose blogs rock.
I'll start with MOMflippedisWOW because she has cool pictures and links to neat places for learning and reading.
Speaking of neat places, head over to Bonni's for a "jam" session and other creative endeavors. If she isn't rockin' I don't know who is. She rocks simply for being another lefty. Happy Canada Day, Bonni!
Miss Robin teaches kids about the Bible in a fun and interesting way. She's started her own podcasts! I can't even figure out how to put the Rockin' Girl image on my sidebar! She also is holding a kids' pet photo contest.
If you haven't been to 40winkzzz you haven't seen some incredible slideshows. You can also follow the latest fashions in boys' clothing.
Last but not least, I must add Appleleaf. This Aussie author has helped me so much with her ideas to help children in their creative writing by taming the "inner editor."
I'm only allowed five, but that's ok. I'm sure all of my rocking blogger gal pals will eventually claim their own prize. And if they don't, I'll add them to my list.
You rock, ladies!
It is now my honor to pass this on to 5 women whose blogs rock.
I'll start with MOMflippedisWOW because she has cool pictures and links to neat places for learning and reading.
Speaking of neat places, head over to Bonni's for a "jam" session and other creative endeavors. If she isn't rockin' I don't know who is. She rocks simply for being another lefty. Happy Canada Day, Bonni!
Miss Robin teaches kids about the Bible in a fun and interesting way. She's started her own podcasts! I can't even figure out how to put the Rockin' Girl image on my sidebar! She also is holding a kids' pet photo contest.
If you haven't been to 40winkzzz you haven't seen some incredible slideshows. You can also follow the latest fashions in boys' clothing.
Last but not least, I must add Appleleaf. This Aussie author has helped me so much with her ideas to help children in their creative writing by taming the "inner editor."
I'm only allowed five, but that's ok. I'm sure all of my rocking blogger gal pals will eventually claim their own prize. And if they don't, I'll add them to my list.
You rock, ladies!
Woohoo! You got the button up. :)
Thanks for the nomination! I'll get something posted this week.
Peace and Laughter,
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