Sunday, July 15, 2007

Rowling on Tests

Marina has been re-reading the Harry Potter books in anticipation of the new release on Friday. Just to illustrate what a fast reader she is, she started reading book 2 on Wednesday. Today is Sunday and she is halfway through book 5. Book 5 had an interesting quote by Professor Umbridge.

"Now, it is the view of the Ministry that a theoretical knowledge (of defense against the dark arts) will be more than sufficient to get you through your examination, which, after all, is what school is all about."

The Ministry of Magic believes school is about examinations and theoretical knowledge? Teaching to the test, perhaps? Is there a No Wizard Left Behind act? I love it!


Paula Vince said...

I love that too. Have you noticed Harry Potter is full of wisdom for homeschoolers? I love the way Fred & George failed their OWL exams, quit school early (in their flamboyant way) before they even got a chance to complete their NEWTS, and then became wealthy entrepreneurs with their joke & gag shop.
I'll be lining up next week when "The Deathly Hallows" is released.

Anonymous said...

My 12 year old ,Eric is rereading book 5 as well! Guess our kids our on the same wavelength this week.

jugglingpaynes said...

Yep! Marina finished 6 today (Wednesday--told you she's quick). She is all set for Friday night!

Anonymous said...

OOh! That's great! I just love the Harry Potter series! Everyone in the house knows I get the next book first! Lol, maybe this year I'll buy a couple copies...

We always have such discussions after the movies. Everyone is always discussing what they cut out and my spouse is always saying,"the movie is already three hours long! They had to cut something out!." We know but we'd be fine with a five hour movie! ;)

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