Friday, September 14, 2007

Home Spun comic strip #136

Home Spun comic strip #136


Vicki said...

Hope you are having a wonderful Friday night! So many of your posts hit home with me, I just love visiting!

I answered the goats on the roof question on that post. My spouse has been talking of doing such a thing for years but as a home not a store, lol. I can't wait to see what I'll be living in in twenty years, lol, WAIT! I'll be twenty years older!! I CAN WAIT!! I CAN WAIT!!! :)

Paula Vince said...

This is so true and I think you have to be homeschoolers yourselves to really get the point! Having had my oldest at school for three years, I remember being so surprised to find that homeschooling relaxed our lifestyle instead of complicating it. Yet many people still think I must work harder than they do! I get tired at times (as my blog shows) but nothing like how it used to be when we had school schedules to live by.

Bonni said...

Amen, sister!! This is the #1 reason we began to homeschool. The morning rush and race was just too much unnecessary stress for my little people. Of course, now that we're into year 5, I've discovered a few more not-so-superficial-seeming reasons, but hey, everyone has to start somewhere. I'm interested to see where your recent strips are taking us.

jugglingpaynes said...

Uh-oh. Bonni wants to know where I'm taking us. I'm just enjoying the ride! Life is my journey, my adventure, and these bumps along the road make things interesting.

I've never done anything "easily." I could have stuck my kids in daycare, worked 9-5, bottle fed, put the kids in a crib and left them to cry it out, and then finally stick them in school and hope they come out okay. But I preferred to take the harder road where I'm with them practically 24-7, never having that "Better Homes and Garden" house, and always keeping my mouth shut about my bad days. Ooh, this is good stuff. I feel a post coming on...

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