We had a funeral on Friday morning. My mother's Aunt Elizabeth. I'm digging for a recent photo, but I think I need Tech Support to find it for me. He's at work. Aunt Elizabeth was one of those special people who always makes you feel so welcome when you enter her home, especially if you bring your children along.
After the funeral, I had to rush back home to get Marina and hubby to work and to try to get the house somewhat presentable for family. My sister in law was going to visit for the weekend because Sierra had her very first dance recital on Sunday. I think I had less than an hour at home on Friday before I had to bring Sierra to her dress rehearsal and then pick up Marina on our way home. Saturday was spent gardening, because I was too exhausted to do anything else.
Sunday was the show. Now I know I'm her mom, so it doesn't mean anything if I say she was awesome, but she really was wonderful. Her teacher did a great job creating a story dance, where the other girls were fairies and Sierra was the "human girl" (her words). The dance opens with the fairies. They rush off and Sierra enters, lost in the woods. The fairies find her, dance with her and lead her out. I was very impressed at how well she did with being onstage alone in front of the audience. I think that is much scarier than starting with the group.
I'm thinking this is going to be the first of many dance recitals.
I'm impressed!! Being alone on stage at such a young age and not being scared? I believe you are right that there will be many more dance recitals, then Broadway in her future!
(I'm also impressed with the sibling one arm hug in the background!)
Oh, I'm sorry to hear about your Great Aunt! Not a nice way to start a weekend :(
Congrats to you for getting yourself and everyone else through the weekend and congrats to Sierra on her first recital!
With a Sierra performance like that with a leading role though she was the smallest of the cast, who needs Broadway? I'm so proud of you and excited for all that you can visualize happening to you.
I love you.
Sierra looks gorgeous -- congratulations to her on her wonderful performance. I LOVE the fact that she got roses. :-) I am sorry about your loss. You'll be in my thoughts.
so sorry for your loss.
sierra looks so beautiful - what a wonderful experience!
You are right. She was awesome! And I should know, I'm her Grandma. Good work Sierra. Your performance made my day.
Love, Grandma
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