Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Home Spun comic strip #377

Home Spun comic strip #377


Dave Roller said...

That exact thing happened when we took our oldest daughter to the zoo when she was about that age. She kept chasing the birds and igonoring the other animals. It was a free zoo so no loss of funds. Thanks for that memory. Speaking of memory. DO you remember that prize you won? I finally mailed it out.
Sorry it took so long.

Vicki said...

Lol, cute! My mom was telling me that yesterday she took my two year old niece out to feed her pony. Emma, the 2yo, kept saying, "deer!" and my mom kept saying. "pony!".

Wasn't my mom surprised that the deer that was in with the pony then jumped over the fence!


Inner Elder said...

This actually happened when I took Sierra to the Bronx Zoo. I even wrote a poem about it. Is that where you got the idea? Love your art work in this strip, especially the sea lions and Tobey climbing the fence - Get down Tobey! Love, Mom

Mama Teaching 3 said...

LOL, BIRD! I want another little one SO BAD!

flmom said...

LOL! I remember my oldest doing that, but it was squirrels that fascinated him.

~*~The Family~*~ said...

Ahh, good one. We took my daughter to a zoo when she was about two years old and she was entralled with the squirrels. We had a whole yard full of them at home, no need to drive 90 miles to see a squirel.

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