Friday, August 14, 2009

Home Spun comic strip #384

Home Spun comic strip #384

It isn't too late to submit an article to the Carnival of Homeschooling! Deadline is Monday, 6PM PST (9PM for me)!


Paula Vince said...

Yeah, that can be a problem. Maybe there's a fine line between this and the opposite, not having many interests, because you don't know where to start. A multi-talented young lady.
I wish Atka the wolf would pay a visit to our library. What a gorgeous and gentle looking fellow.
Life has been a bit of a whirlwind for me for the last few weeks and I'm only just settling back down. Hope you've all been well.

christinethecurious said...

Does she find comfort in the biographies of people who loved many things? People who follow their loves even if it doesn't also earn their bread?

If that stuff is too vague to be satisfying, there is always James 1:5.

I also think we ask young people about their plans because we can remember that question when we see them, not because it's a burning issue for us or them. Like always commenting on the flowers on a front desk to the receptionist.

Can you tell this was one of my major beefs as a teen?

-Christine in Massachusetts

Anonymous said...

Now days it's not unusual for someone to start in one job/career and switch to another because they decide either they don't like their first choice or they just find something better/more interesting. Some people go to college with one career in mind and switch after the first year or 2 - just ask your father! First career choices are not cast in stone.
Love, Aunt Linda

Jessica said...

Boy don't I know what that is like. I am grateful that I found one area of interest and talent that ruled out the rest, but I feel like I could have done so many things. Lawyer, historian, journalist, author, musician, politician, etc. Too many friends from public schools came out with a neutrality to everything which was an opposite problem- not having any passions. I have the problem with being overly passionate in so many areas.

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