I don't know about you, but usually the beginning of the year makes me want to toss out things. I've never gotten into spring cleaning, but New Year cleaning kicks in as the cats are knocking the last of the decorations off of our tree. First things to go are the little plastic containers under our sink that seem to multiply faster than happy tribbles. Whatever looks abused or has lost its lid goes out. Or rather, it sits above the garbage can as I have a mental debate over whether I want to add another layer to the landfill. Shouldn't I be using them for baskets or seed starting? I have, of course, but no matter how many containers I put aside, more seem to pop up. I blame a certain brand of lunchmeat my son prefers. You can buy refills for your baby wipes boxes, you should have the option of buying turkey refills for the lunchmeat containers. It makes me want to switch to the deli counter, but I'm still waiting for my number to be called from the last time I used it. (I was number 486. I think they were up to...5)
But I digress. The biggest barrier to my purging is the family recycling gene. That little voice in the back of my head that tells me, "I can use that for a craft." If I don't listen to it, it starts nagging, "Mom? Did you hear me? I can use that!"
I've gotten so bad that we're now the local depository for things-that-could-be-used-again. My friend gave me all the tubes from inside all her wrapping paper rolls this season, saying, "I'm sure you can find a good use for these!"
Of course we will. :D
Our recyling to go out on the curb tomorrow has a TON of stuff - countless plastic egg cartons, big oatmeal containers, coffee cans, and all kinds of other things that I've saved for crafts, and that my husband finally begged me on bended knee to recycle!
And, at the top of my to-do list it says, "clean, organize, and donate" - I guess I get this way at this time of year too :-)
Love this one! I declutter a couple of times a year, but one of my goals this year is a HUGE declutter. Already I've met with resistance from my boys ... "NOOOOOOOOOOOO! We can use that to make something!" I will not give in, I will not give in, I will not give in......
I have that same little voice--both internal and external! so many empty boxes, so many plans, so little time...
Sounds scarily familiar :)
Uh-huh, and so many others that I just don't know what to do with.
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