Well, I must apologize! I went to bed last night completely clueless that I needed to put my comic strip up. I thought Tuesday was Monday. I blame spring fever and an evening meeting. And Molly, because she just hatched her second owlet. That might go under the heading of spring fever.
Ever wonder why schools have snow days and we don't? Because if it's snowing badly, the road conditions make it impossible to reach the school safely. On the other hand, snow does not make it hazardous to walk from the bedroom to the kitchen and living room. Since we don't have snow days, I think it is perfectly logical that we should take off when a beautiful day beckons, especially after a hard winter. Makes sense, doesn't it?
We end up with snow days because the kids end up too distracted by the snow. Constantly interrupting to ask if they can play in it..or just talking about it.
I guess it's part of the fun of being in a moody temperamental weather state...
My kids are video-game addicted, so 'school time' is 'no electronics time'. I told them that they could spend as much time playing in the snow as they wanted, but that didnt make it a video-game day, it was still a 'school day'
But i took today off (with a shorter electronics-free period) because the morning was bisected by a dr apt and the afternoon is park day.
my kids did an awful lot of complaining a couple years ago when their sister in high school got numerous snow days and they didn't. (they usually didn't find out until we were well into our school day, since they just thought she was at school until she rolled out of bed around noon. i am sneaky like that. :-) i would always tell them, "we'll take our 'snow days' when the weather is nice" --and we did. this year they haven't really complained. i think they are just resigned to it.
spring break here is the week after next, and i have yet to decide whether we'll take one. (we're debating a vacation trip in may, which is why i hesitate to take a week off now.) i guess i'd better get that figured out!
I love this idea. We should take sun days and snow days. Not too many, but enough for us all to relax and have some time to play.
It sure does make sense :) Enjoy! Our days are cooling and Autumn is in full swing now
I agree! Hope you enjoyed your day. Love, Mom
We do the same thing. I declare "Teacher non-Work days" and we go out and so stuff! Spontaneous field trips, days outside...It is wonderful!
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