Like the eyebrow raise? He can do this on either side. This coupled with his dimpled smile, he seems to have been born with the ability to make people smile and to find something to laugh about! This sense of humor is balanced by a gentle, nurturing side that shows so strongly in his love of family and friends and especially for his cat, Merlin. I don't think any cat has ever had a prouder "father," whether cradling the cat in his arms or calling our attention to Merlin's cuteness.
Chase was born at 7:35pm fourteen years ago. A gentleman from the start, I didn't even realize I was in labor for the first half of it. He was born at the Birth Cottage, a free-standing birthing center on hospital grounds. Unfortunately, it has closed since then. I'm glad I had the opportunity to use it. It was a wonderful choice, all the benefits of giving birth at home without the anxiety of cleaning up before the midwife gets there.
Fourteen years with my wonderful boy, now more of a young man! How lucky I am to have you in my life.
Happy Birthday my Sweet Chase!
Happy Birthday, Chase! Wishing you a fantastic day. :)
Happy b'day Chase!
Happy Birthday, Chase!
happy birthdays to all your crew. :^)
the time really DOES fly, doesn't it? i try to explain to my friends who are just starting their families, but they don't get it. they will, in time. :)
enjoy these wonderful days!
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