I have to say, science toys with me. We once tried to grow mold on bread. It must have been the most preservative laden bread ever, because it just wouldn't cooperate and get moldy. The sugar crystal experiment worked once. We really thought we would have a nice crop of rock candy...until the cat knocked it off the counter. Then there was the time I tried to show the kids how salt water can conduct electricity. I'm sure it does somewhere in the world, but not in my house. Sierra recently made slime. It is my belief that her experiment actually worked because I wasn't involved in it.
Thomas Edison wouldn't have minded our misadventures in science. His failures were merely stepping stones toward success. The point is to learn from each experience and then move forward. Eventually, I'm sure we will successfully grow mold, make rock candy, and conduct electricity through salt water. We simply need to keep trying.
For more information on Thomas Edison, I found this site most interesting. You can also find information on the Thomas Edison National Historic Park site.
And wasn't penicillin discovered by accident? The important thing with research is to observe and be honest about your results. Love, Mom
I can identify with this strip today.
I can't seem to get experiments to work either. And if i do have a great idea -- the ingredients are no where to be found.
I never can get sugar crystals to work. I dread the kids getting to 'that phase' of scouting. each kid tries again, so far two 'ways it doesn't work' in my house (plus a few others out of my house) and there are three more kids to go! Maybe I should quit scouting just to avoid the dreaded crystals?
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I love this!
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