Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Home Spun comic strip #584

Home Spun comic strip #584


Amanda, the Head Nut said...

I really like the message in this cartoon. Good one!

Inner Elder said...

Yes you are rich - in all the ways that count. Love, Mom

Vicki said...

George just asked me this the other day. -_-

It lead to an depth conversation about careers, incomes, living options, vehicle options, etc, etc, etc...

He decided that he prefers the same choices his father and I have made. =) Guess that's a win and I guess we know which kid will be wanting the farm in the future.

Keeley said...

YES!!! Yes you are! =)

flmom said...

As Keeley said, yes, your family is rich! :) I don't think I've ever had this comment made to me. Instead, I always hear "I could never do that." One day someone is going to catch me in a mood (LOL) and I'm going to pop off "No, you probably couldn't."

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