My home is not neat. Far from it. There seems to always be newspapers strewn across the kitchen table. We have a fold-away table in the living room that rarely gets folded away. It's become Marina's study center as she frets through her college work. There are craft projects peeking out from every shelf, and behind those projects are books. Really, there are books everywhere. Books and DVDs. Those are a great love in our family. I could go on, but you get the picture. We live a cluttered, busy life.
Raising kids is messy. Raising homeschooled kids is messier. And that's OK, because it's where we are right now. Our home has a lot of living going on. Sometimes it can be overwhelming, but I know it won't be like this forever. So I quietly embrace it as I tell the kids to clear their things from the couches. Company's coming. They might want to sit.
Raising kids is messy. Raising homeschooled kids is messier. And that's OK, because it's where we are right now. Our home has a lot of living going on. Sometimes it can be overwhelming, but I know it won't be like this forever. So I quietly embrace it as I tell the kids to clear their things from the couches. Company's coming. They might want to sit.
If you enjoy my comics, the first collection, No School Today? is available from these sellers:
If you enjoy my comics, the first collection, No School Today? is available from these sellers:
Once again, I can totally relate! My middle son, Alec, is very much the project person. Our dining room is also our homeschool room and the corner behind where he sits at the table is stacked with his stuff-in-progress. We can really only neaten up the pile when the grandparents come for dinner. Which isn't often. I always have to decide whether they should sit facing one of the enormously stuffed bookshelves or the window sill (with dusty mini blinds) and plants in various stages of growth (Carmen's projects). Tough choice. Hey, good for you to get on Barnes & Noble! Your book is still in circulation around here, I think the kids have a lot of the comics memorized. Perhaps the boys would memorize their Bible verses if I put them in a strip!
- Have a terrific week! Kate
Creativity can't be contained or restrained. And every moment spent on tidying takes away from time that could be spent on hands-on learning and real education. With long term projects, what's the point of tidying something each day which will just be spread across the table again the following day? A friend considering homeschooling once said that she couldn't bear the thought of her house being messy ever. Needless to say, their stint sadly didn't last long.
"Raising kids is messy. Raising homeschooled kids is messier. And that's OK, because it's where we are right now. Our home has a lot of living going on. Sometimes it can be overwhelming, but I know it won't be like this forever. So I quietly embrace it as I tell the kids to clear their things from the couches. Company's coming. They might want to sit."
Love it!
Kate: Always wonderful to hear from you! I think if you do a little research, you may find there are some comic collections of Bible quotes for kids. If not, what a great project for one of your children! Alec can add it to the pile behind his chair! :o)
Paula: I've heard that excuse from parents who didn't want to homeschool. And while I can understand people feeling that way, it saddens me. I'm reasonably certain that whether or not I homeschooled, I would still have a messy house. When it's not messy, I will know all my children have grown up and started their own adventures.
Kez: I'm glad you liked it!
I always feel better when I go to someones house and it is messy with a few dishes in the sink. We too have done the "hurry up and clean before so and so gets here so they have a place to sit."
Hi Tina!
Sad to say - all of you "kids" have long been grown up and out, and my house is still messy! Glad I'm not the only one. Love, Mom
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