Tuesday, June 19, 2007

This and That

I was impressed with the amount of comments I received on my left handed entry. I even inspired Bonni's to write a whole new entry. For further study of us lefties, you can view her post here. Incidentally, Bonni was the only other left-handed blogger. I heard from many who have left handed children, husbands, and other family members, but no other left handed homeschoolers who blog. What's up with that?

I've decided to start making my character Jess look more pregnant. I feel the need to speed up time because otherwise I'll have to attribute a lot of Sierra's exploits to Toby. This may not seem like a big deal, but since Toby is based on Chase, Chase doesn't really want Toby to be blamed for things Sierra's done. Like last Friday, when a bee "kissed" her lip while she was trying to water the weeds. Her lip blew up like she had collagen injections. Or the other day, when she redecorated the hall. With dark blue chalk handprints. On a yellow wall. Did I mention I can't seem to wash them off? And I had painted a section of the wall with chalkboard paint, so she really didn't need to use the yellow wall?

fingerprints1 fingerprints 2

I'll have to see if I can get Tech Support to put up some video of Sierra doing her last ballet class for the school year. She was the only one who showed up, and she took full advantage of having her teacher all to herself! We practically had to drag her out of class at the end, and that was after her dance instructor had given her an extra 10 minutes!

Update: In case I needed another way to tell I'm doing too much, I realized I taped Sierra's dances sideways with my camera. Arrgghh! If anyone has experience with turning video footage in the right direction, please let me know. I wouldn't want to post one of these and have viewers walk away with a crick in their necks. The more I learn, the less I know.


Anonymous said...

I'm a lefty homeschooling Mom too! My husband is left handed and Eric and Sara are both right-handed!

Amelia Antwiler said...

You could post your videos and have the viewer turn their monitors on their sides. Less crik-aging. :-)

I'm sorry you were miffed, by the way, that I didn't enter Howard into your contest. I thought you were looking for ideas about what would happen if you met us. I guess our boys could have had sword fights. *L* So if you have your contest again - I"ll be sure to enter Howard. :-)

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