This was my family's favorite for this set. I take no offense (why else would I have written it?) I am completely willing to laugh at the fact that my children have done a better job getting experiments to work when I don't help them. I still think some of the experiments don't work just to spite me. They know a science hack when they see one.
Hi Cristina,
I totally relate to that. "Mum's Science Experiments" have become comic traditions in our HH.
I'm really sorry to see that Chase has been so sick. When you mentioned in your email that he wasn't well, I hoped it'd be nothing serious. I'm showing my ignorance here, but I hadn't heard of Lyme's Disease before. Sounds extremely painful but I'm so thankful it was caught early enough to prevent a big hospital stay.
Oh, and I did get hold of "The Alchemist" from the library last year. Great book and I jotted down some excerpts from it before I returned it.
I hope Chase continues to improve. Of course, I went and refreshed myself on the facts of Lyme Disease. Scary stuff and I am so glad that you guys caught it quickly. I'm praying for a full and complete recovery.
Thanks for sharing your planning secrets with me. Currently, I'm obsessing about scope and sequence. So, true to my procrastinating nature, I'm off to belatedly check out your carnival.
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