I'm trying to discipline myself so that I don't get sucked into the computer on the weekend before I finish inking in my strip. Especially since I'm excited about having outlined the next 9 strips.
Marina starts at the zoo tomorrow. I had intended to spend next week hanging out at the zoo while she's at her internship. As usual, I plan and God laughs. Chase is down to one crutch and officially has Lyme Disease. Hobbling around our sprawling zoo is not so much a problem as the medication. It makes you photosensitive. My challenge will be keeping him shaded and properly slathered in sunscreen. Or maybe we should just hit all the buildings, like the World of Darkness, Jungle World and the Reptile House. I'm hoping to get more material for my "You can learn a lot from watching animals" series.
By the way, meteor alert! Marina said the Perseids peak tonight, just before dawn in our area. I know we should get as much sleep as possible, but I love meteor showers. Especially ones in the summer where I don't have to risk frostbite. When Marina was 8 and I was pregnant with Sierra, I took her out in the middle of the night to watch the Leonids. The Leonids happen in December. It was chilly. We were both bundled and sat on a chaise lounge in the driveway with a blanket over us. Marina laid over my pregnant belly and the baby poked at her as we watched one of the best meteor showers I had ever seen. You would have had to stare at the ground to miss all the streaks of light we saw. I avoided staring at the ground, since I could hear something moving in the bushes behind me. I've come across enough skunks while putting out the trash to have a healthy fear of confronting night creatures. That night I kept my eyes on the heavens and enjoyed space's light show. It's one of my favorite memories of mother-daughter time.
hope Chase is feeling better soon. I don't know much about Lyme, hope the meds course is not too long.
Well, I suppose there is some comfort in knowing for sure....
Good luck to Marina on her fist day. I hope she enjoys her entire time at the zoo. And thanks for the head's up about the meteor shower. I hope I can still catch a bit of the show.
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