I've mentioned before that I've had 3 completely different birth experiences. My first was in a hospital, my second was at a birthing center, and my third was at home. All were unmedicated. All came with their own set of thoughts that worried my mind. These were unusual for the third. Where I was afraid to get stuck in traffic going to the hospital or birthing center for the first two, I was afraid of my labor starting away from home for the third. I also was living my pre-Flylady existence, with lots of stacks of clutter on every table. Since my midwife was a bridge away, I also worried about my labor starting at rush hour and progressing before she could get there. I worried about others thinking I was crazy to even consider a homebirth. Luckily, I didn't let my fears get in the way of my determination. I had my youngest child exactly as I had always wanted to. At home with a midwife. And it only took me three kids to get my way.
Monday, August 13, 2007
Home Spun comic strip #125
I've mentioned before that I've had 3 completely different birth experiences. My first was in a hospital, my second was at a birthing center, and my third was at home. All were unmedicated. All came with their own set of thoughts that worried my mind. These were unusual for the third. Where I was afraid to get stuck in traffic going to the hospital or birthing center for the first two, I was afraid of my labor starting away from home for the third. I also was living my pre-Flylady existence, with lots of stacks of clutter on every table. Since my midwife was a bridge away, I also worried about my labor starting at rush hour and progressing before she could get there. I worried about others thinking I was crazy to even consider a homebirth. Luckily, I didn't let my fears get in the way of my determination. I had my youngest child exactly as I had always wanted to. At home with a midwife. And it only took me three kids to get my way.
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wow, a month on the antibiotics. I was afraid it might be like that. Hope he does real well on it. Maybe he needs one of those goofy hats with an umbrella on top... here ya go: http://www.umbrellahat.net/
Homebirth? Are you crazy? Sooo much braver then me. I would have lost both of mine had I have tried this, therefore, I'm now completely fearful of home birthing. You win my awe once again.
As for the elephant. Please remember, just because you 'want' something, doesn't mean you should get it. When my spouse read my post he said if I really wanted one, we could do it for around $10,000 in fencing but he'd rather not have a pet that if you screwed up, could kill you. Hence why we have no preforming alligators.
After recent events, I've been considering getting more dogs. Rex is great but he's only one.
Please don't find me an elephant.
Like you, I had 3 totally different experiences. Being a bit of a wuss, #3, the planned Caesarian, was definitely my favourite. #2, the traditional labour & delivery was by far the most painful.
I've been enjoying the "LibraryThing" discussion topics & what people have had to say.
BTW, are skunks as stinky as we've always heard?
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