Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Home Spun comic strip #476

Home Spun comic strip #476

*Your mileage may vary!


Mrs. A said...

Too true!! Just yesterday I ventured out with the kids to do some errands. Now, it's been some time since I have, because Mr.A and I have been doing so in the evenings for the last couple of months, so maybe I am out of practice. I sent the kids to the car with the shopping bags. I got to the car. I'd underestimated the weight of the snow on the car; returned to the house for snow brush. I was just about to leave and realized my coupon and list were in the house. Retrieved those. Back in the car, I remembered I needed to drop off a novel study at a friend's house. Back to the house for the book. Finally, I was ready and we were off...but the dogs were upset with all my back-and-forth and I wasn't all sunshine and daisies either.

Mama Self said...

Ah, real life. *sigh* The problem is going to get worse, though. When we're older and the kiddos have gone, we'll get to the car, leave, and then it will hit us that we don't know where we're supposed to be going...

(Something tells me it's going to be a pessimistic-type-of-day today.)

flmom said...

LOL! Mine is usually get into the car and wonder if I've unplugged the toaster, go back in to check, go back to car and get in, youngest child has forgotten one of his favorite stuffed animals and is having a meltdown, go back in and locate animal, go back and get in car, oldest child realizes he has no cleaning cloths for his glasses, go back in and get cleaning cloths, go back and get in car .... I finally leave 30 minutes or so later!

Amelia Antwiler said...

Yes! And then there's the added mileage when the dog gets out and runs like a nut job around the neighborhood!!!!

Kez said...

lol - sounds very familiar!

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