Monday, May 17, 2010

Home Spun comic strip #481

Home Spun comic strip #481

I've filled out a ton of forms and surveys that ask for employment status. I know this is more an issue of semantics for me, but I find it very difficult to choose an answer. I wish I could choose all that apply instead. Financially, I am self-employed, although I rarely pursue more than a workshop or two these days. I am not employed outside the home, but I consider homeschooling a full time job, even though I do it for love, not money. I suppose I could consider myself a homemaker, except I spend a lot of time driving kids around so the home isn't very made.

Do you see my dilemma?


Kez said...

I completely understand! I have the same problem!

Mama Self said...

I don't know what to consider myself, either. :)

Amelia Antwiler said...

I totally get your dilemma. I have the same one.

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