Monday, July 19, 2010

Home Spun comic strip #505

Home Spun comic strip #505

I used to think it was because I was a professional face painter that my children had a habit of drawing on themselves. Let me tell you something about washable markers: They're not. If I didn't wash the ink off immediately, they had that scribbled on look for a week. You may wonder then, why I didn't hide the markers. It's simple. I knew the marker would eventually come off the skin, and crayon was much harder to remove from walls and furniture.


call*me*kate said...

Your post reminded me of a girl in elementary school (eons ago) that dressed as a vampire for Halloween one year. The very next day, we had to get our school photos taken - not a very wise move on the district's part. Even in the black and white class photo of tiny pictures, you could see the lines she had drawn around her mouth to look like vampire blood. What a bummer!

I think you gave me the nicest comment I've ever been given about my posts! Many thanks! Oh, in answer to your question, the Oregon strawberry doesn't really resemble the standard California-grown strawberry that I grew up eating. It's sort of oblong-shaped or sometimes fat and puffy but usually no bigger than a thimble. Which is why it took so long to prepare them. A pint of giant CA strawberries goes pretty fast.

Have a terrific week - Kate

~*~The Family~*~ said...

So true, so true.

Inner Elder said...

Wait till she discovers tatoos! Love, Mom

flmom said...

LOL! I come see this today after my 4yo drew all over himself yesterday with pink highlighter. Did I mention it's also VBS week at church???

Lori said...

this one made me lol :)

Amelia Antwiler said...

Oh, yes. You are the master. :D

Keeley said...

Hahaha! Mommy senses tingling.... =)

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