Tuesday, August 31, 2010

London, Part 6: Spa and Spring

After Stonehenge, the tour went to Bath. I happen to love Bath, so I'm glad Marina had a chance to see it.

Here is the Bath Cathedral...
59-Bath Cathedral

These lions were so cute! They were all over the city, each one decorated in a different way. They will be auctioned off to raise funds for different charities. More information about them can be found at www.lionsofbath.com ...
60-Lions of Bath

The exterior of the Roman baths...
61-Roman Baths

A detail of the angels climbing on the cathedral wall...
62-Bath Angels

Inside the Roman baths...
63-Roman Bath

Roman statues along a balcony above the baths...
64-Roman Statues

An archway viewed from the baths...
65-Bath Arch An elephant carving supports a column...

There were models of how the baths would have looked in ancient times...
67-Bath Model

There were many exhibits of stone carvings and other artifacts...
68-Bath Reliefs

More exhibits, including part of a mosaic floor and a bronze(?) mask...
69-Bath Artifacts

When the Romans first came to the area, they saw that there was a spring where hot water came out. Because it came out hot, they assumed it was heated by the goddess Minerva. The people who lived there thought it was hot because of their goddess, Sulis. It was also healing because of its mineral content. The Romans decided to create a bath, "sanus per aquae"(spa), health by water. They combined the goddesses names as a gesture to show they could live peacefully with the people of this land. They let the natives do all the heavy lifting while they handled the engineering...
70-Bath Minerva

71-Bath Marina


Inner Elder said...

I love the angels climbing the wall. Marina has a good photographers eye. Those Romans really knew how to build! Even avoiding the hard work of lifting. Thank you for these educational pix. How come Aunt Linda isn't in the photos? Love, Mom

jugglingpaynes said...

She hardly ever takes pictures of people. She likes architecture and nature. If you want people pictures, you may have to take Chase on a trip. :o)

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