Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Brought to you by Creativity

Are you tired of cleaning? Too pooped to pick up? Has it become a drag to dig out the dust?

Well wring out that mop! Put your feather duster in flight! Sweep your broom out the door!

I have the answer to leave your house sparkling. It's--

Five year old child with a craft kit!!!!

That right! All you need to do to add sparkle and shine is leave your child alone with a craft kit on her sister's bed! Once she rips that glitter packet open and tries to wipe it off the flannel blanket, you'll feel like you're walking on stardust! The bed will sparkle. The floor will sparkle. Even the cats will sparkle!

So don't distress over dustbunnies! Do what smart moms and dads have done for centuries. Inspire your child's creativity today!


Inner Elder said...

Way to go, Sierra!
Love, Grandma

Anonymous said...

It could be worse, it could have been glitter glue. ;)


TobyBo said...

LOL. The tooth fairy, when visiting our home, leaves a glitter trail from window to pillow. A lovely mess.

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